Saturday, April 13, 2019

A Tale of Heaven and the Mountain

Photo by Thomas Serer

The Mountain once went over to his friend Heaven for a chat as he customarily did. "Why are you so up high and hard to reach?" He asked. "I don't know," the Heaven replied. "Maybe it is the working of Nature." The Heaven said with a sigh. Yes, she knew she was up high and hard to reach, alright, but she had no part in deciding her dwelling place. Not one she knew of, at least.
"But we are the Nature. I mean, of course we didn't decide where we were to dwell but I can't help wondering what you have up there that is so appealing. Well, you are said to bed the gods and everything but, come off it and tell me what secret you have with you that makes everyone so restless and quite crazed to reach you." The Mountain went on. The question had been burning inside him for longer than he could remember but he wasn't envious whatsoever. He was just curious about why children and adults alike are always eager to climb him thinking that he is the way to Heaven, that they are neighbors. The Heaven paused for one thoughtful moment and then smiled, the smile of sudden realization. "I think I know why." The Heaven said without letting the smile off her lips. "It is because I am invisible and since the beginning of Time, tales of my beauty and me housing the gods in my realm never ceased to bring me fame and neverending attraction. I just hope that they will not be disappointed if ever one day they make it to reach my realm."


  1. Thanks for finally talking about >"A Tale of Heaven and the Mountain" <Liked it!

  2. I love the last line. I hope people won’t be disappointed after all. Thank you for the piece😍
